About Me – I have had a life-long love of animals, with five beautiful dogs of my own, Bekka, Tam, Alfie, Jinni and Lola. After spending most of my working life behind a computer and with a lot of nagging by my youngest son I decided that this was the right time for me to follow my dream and re-train. With a huge amount of support from my family I am now qualified with a City & Guilds Certificate in Dog Grooming, a Diploma in Dog Styling and a certificate in Dog First Aid.
In 2014 I opened Pampering4Paws from my fully fitted home studio.
I promise that your dogs will be well cared for and helped to feel as comfortable and relaxed at possible as possible. It is imperative to ensure your dog feels safe and at ease whilst in my company and will make every effort to ensure that this is so.
I believe in positive reinforcement training, which means training dogs with only love and rewards. Ignore the bad – reward the good, which is the same ideology I use while grooming. I use my understanding of canine behaviour and body language to judge how each dog is responding during the grooming process. If you do not want your dog to be given healthy treats then please do let me know!
I offer free familiarisation sessions for puppies or dogs who are new to the grooming salon/process. You can find some information about preparing your dog from grooming here.
Every dog is groomed on a 1:1 basis which helps reduce stress and each groom is tailored to suit each individual dog, If they need a little more time and calming, no problem! There will be no overlap and your dog will be the only dog in the salon at any one time. As a 1:1 service is provided it is my intention to build up a relationship with your dog, getting to know their likes and dislikes and records of all grooming sessions are kept so that I know about your individual dog’s health, needs, behaviour & styling requirements.
I do not like using muzzles of any kind and will refrain from doing so where ever possible, however I do have to protect myself on occasion. When this happens I will only ever use it for the shortest of periods, provide regular breaks and will remove it as soon as I possibly can.
It is important that every dog is groomed and bathed, be it a long haired breed or a short coated breed. Can you imagine getting as wet and muddy as your dog does and never brushing your hair or having a shower… yuk! You wouldn’t be as happy or as healthy as you are now, and the same applies to your dog. I NEVER use drying cages or cabinets and all dogs are hand dried with warm air and not left unattended whilst drying. In fact they are never left alone at any point in time.
Regular grooming is an important part of your dogs well being. Brushing and combing is essential in maintaining a healthy coat as it eliminates mats and tangles, removes dead hair, dirt , thorns and burrs and distributes the natural oils to promote healthy skin.
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